Monday, August 6, 2007

Rules of Marc and Brina's Blog

Welcome to our blog! Most of you are our friends and family to whom we have given this blog site in the hopes that you will share in our adventures. Some of you will come across this blog by accident and we welcome you as well.

As a bit of an introduction, Marc and I (Sabrina) are both attorneys who lived in Atlanta, Georgia. We met through mutual friends and, as you can read below, have fallen in love and recently become engaged. Marc works as in-house counsel for a multi-national corporation. Several months ago, Marc was asked if he would like to transfer to Hong Kong for about 1-2 years and work as the Asia-Pacific attorney for the company. When Marc asked me about it, I readily agreed (perhaps much to his surprise). After several long conversations about logistics (both professional and personal) and, of course, parental communications, we decided to go for it.

We moved on July 19, 2007 and hit the ground running. As promised, this blog will narrate our new way of life and our adventures as we try to navigate around the city and our travels throughout Asia. When possible, I will post pictures on the blog, but there will be many more on my snapfish account, so be sure to check out those pictures as well.

Being an attorney, I'll post a few rules about this blog lest someone get offended and start writing me hate e-mails.

1 - If I write something, it is not meant in *any way shape or form* to be derogatory or insulting to any one person or race of people. For example, if I say "there are a ton of Asians in Hong Kong," I really mean there are 7 million people of Asian descent. This is not a bad thing or a good thing, merely an observation.

2 - I do not exaggerate. Seriously, 7 million people on an island the size of Manhattan.

3 - I use sarcasm, a lot. Some people think I am pretty witty but my humor can take some getting used to. Read on and you will see.

4 - I have only lived in Miami, Raleigh, Chapel Hill and Atlanta. While I consider myself to be an adventurous person and have travelled throughout the US and Europe, I have never been to Asia. So, most of what I am bound to encounter will be foreign to me. If I write about it, it is because I find it fascinating and want to share. I will try to find out as much about whatever I'm writing but I may not know everything. That being said, if I am wrong about something, I'm sorry. I do not mean to disrespect anyone or anyone's culture (see #1 above). We moved to Hong Kong to experience another culture and see how people on this side of the world live. If you know that I have interpreted something incorrectly or should have acted in another manner, please feel free to let me know in the comments.

5 - Other than Marc's work colleagues, we don't know anyone here. So, if you are a friend or family member that is reading this and are intrigued, we highly encourage you to visit us! We have a guest bedroom, so the place to stay will be free and I'll even cook for you (although there are some great restaurants here too). Writing a few paragraphs a day and posting some pictures doesn't do this place justice. You have to come see it for yourself to fully appreciate the sights, sounds, food, people, culture, etc. We really feel blessed that we have this opportunity to live here, even if it is for a short period of time, and we would love to share it with you personally.

Much Love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't know if this sop or standard protocol for blogs (I have heard about them but this is the first one I visit), but I guess one attorney would had most likely come up with these rules (small print, disclaimers, etc.), two attorneys was just asking for it....