Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Meet My New Boyfriend (Marc Doesn't Mind!)

Yes folks, that is me and MIKE WEIR! He's soooooo dreamy! Don't worry, Marc doesn't mind, in fact, he took the picture!

So, here's the low-down... two weekends ago, Marc found out that the Hong Kong Open was being played at Fanling golf course, a fancy schmancy members-only golf club in the New Territories. Being the avid golfer and golf fan that he is, we went to check it out. (For all you golfers out there, Marc has been invited to play that fancy schmancy golf course next week and he is super psyched about it.)

Now, I'm not a golfer, in fact, it's better for the safety of all those within 50 yards for me *not* to wield a golf club of any variety, even a putt-putt club. Watching golf on tv catapults me into a comatose state faster than you can say "Fore!" However, the ONLY exception to this is Mike Weir, man what a hottie. So, when Marc suggested going to the HK Open and I found out Mikey was going to be there, I gladly agreed. Hey, they say marriage is about compromising, right? I'm getting a head start.

The trip to Fanling took 1 1/2 hours on a shuttle bus and we got there around mid-afternoon. Marc salivated over the golf course for a while until I convinced him to find Mike. There were other famous golfers there too (not Tiger but others that I don't know) but I was on a mission.

We caught up with Mike on the 12th hole where he nearly made a hole-in-one. The ball hit the stick thingie with the flag, the one that sticks out of the hole and shot back out of the hole (it was on ESPN the next day!). I like to think I brought him some good juju even though he didn't get the hole-in-one. We stalked him for the next bunch of holes and I tried surreptitiously to wink at him as he walked from hole to hole but he was in a trance. It's OK, I forgave him since he has to concentrate, I mean it *is* his job.

At the end of the game, he walked off the field through a trellis where a bunch of cute Chinese boys were begging for his golf ball - "pleeeesss meester pleeeeees!" Mike then went into a tent to record his score and then came back out to do an interview. After all that, he got down to business, signing hats, golf balls, gloves, babies, boobs, etc. It was a bit of pandemonium:
But I got the goods:

Then, after he finished his autograph session, the best thing in the world happened. I noticed Mike was walking towards the clubhouse, so I made Marc get in position so he could snap a picture of him as he was walking past me. Marc was too slow and managed to miss the picture, but then, that's when Mike turned around and realized it was Sabrina The Puerto Rican who wanted a picture with him. HE TURNED BACK AROUND, walked over to me and voluntarily put his arm around me so Marc could snap the picture! He didn't do this for anyone else, just ME! Man, those Chinese people were pissed. I had to resist the temptation to do the "I'm awesome and you're not" dance.

All in all, not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon and I got a new computer desktop background out of it, tee hee hee! Here's to compromise! ;-)

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