Monday, September 24, 2007

Oh Shanghai! (sung to the tune of Oh Canada!)

I know you all are sitting on the edge of your collective seat waiting to hear about our adventures in Shanghai but alas, you shall have to wait. I have uploaded the pictures and will try to send out via Snapfish tonight or tomorrow morning but the blogging will have to wait until we get back from Thailand next Monday. I know, I know, you are severely disappointed and are possibly going through Marc-and-Brina-blog withdrawal however, I promise you the stories are plentiful and highly entertaining. Highlights include:

1 - A ride in a magnetic levitation train (not joking). If you don't know what a MagLev train is (like I didn't before Marc explained it to me), then read here: The dang thing LEVITATES due to the polar opposite attraction of the magnets on the tracks and the train. I swear sometimes I feel like I'm Jane Jetson riding escalators and levitating trains!

2 - The Shanghai Zoo - lions, tigers and (panda) bears, oh my! As well as elephants, kangaroos and spider monkeys! "I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!"

3 - Drinks and dessert on the 87th floor of the Jinmao Tower.

4 - A favorable mooncake experience on the plane.

OK, that's it for now, I don't want to ruin the surprise. Have a great week everyone!

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