Friday, February 6, 2009

(Knock, Knock) Housekeeping!

Hello My Loyal Fan,

As you may have noticed (unless you are blind) there have been some changes around these parts. I'm doing a bit of spring cleaning and decided to spruce things up a bit, especially in light of the fact that I have totally neglected by blog-keeping duties.

You may notice that I have added a new section on some of the posts. I am a firm believer that, no matter what country you are in, you should always know how to say "hello" and "thank you" in the local language. It is a matter of being polite since most of the places we go, the locals know enough English to help us get by. I've noticed it never fails to put a smile on a local's face to hear you trying your best to speak their language. And if that smile happens to be on the face of a person I am bargaining with at a market, then it certainly can't hurt the negotiation process. Therefore, I have added a legend at the beginning of the first post for each trip that includes the place, language and how to say "hello" and "thank you." It may not mean much now, but if you ever find yourself in these places, you'll thank me later.

Also, I hope the new colors and template are pleasing to your eyes and will encourage you to visit on a regular basis. I, in turn, will be posting new blogs with greater frequency than once every 2 months. We don't have any trips planned so I have no excuse not to keep you abreast of what is going on over here on the other side of the planet. However, instead of posting chronologically about our trips (many which have long since passed), I will write about our more recent trips. This will ensure fresher memories and wittier commentary than if I have to make my way through the cobwebs of my mind to remember where we went in June. Maybe one day I'll get to what happened this summer but honestly, I think the humidity really affected my brain cells so it may never happen.

Now that I have set more realistic expectations, I hope you will enjoy our latest adventures!


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